Compress MP3 into lower bitrate in ubuntu


June 19, 2009 by babeyudi

First, you must have “lame” program. If the programe “lame”is currently not installed. you can install it by typing in consule : sudo apt-get install lame

second, after the program “lame” is currently installed. you can use it for decrease mp3 bitrate.

format :

lame -b [bitrate] input.mp3 output.mp3

examples :

#lame -b 32 input.mp3  output.mp3
LAME 3.97 32bits (
CPU features: MMX (ASM used), SSE, SSE2
Resampling:  input 24 kHz  output 16 kHz
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band:  5484 Hz –  5677 Hz
Encoding input.mp3 to output.mp3
Encoding as 16 kHz  32 kbps j-stereo MPEG-2 Layer III (16x) qval=3
Frame          |  CPU time/estim | REAL time/estim | play/CPU |    ETA
4613/4613  (100%)|    0:08/    0:08|    0:09/    0:09|   20.604x|    0:00
kbps        MS  %     long switch short %
32.0      100.0        92.6   4.5   2.9

compare both file input.mp3 and output.mp3. size of file output.mp3 is lower then input.mp3

2 thoughts on “Compress MP3 into lower bitrate in ubuntu

  1. The best information i have found exactly here. Keep going Thank you

  2. Rauls says:


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